1. Make a parting and divide hair into two equal parts.
2. Isolate 3 horizontal sections in the occipital area. Determine a
guideline in the first horizontal area.
3. Level all the next vertical cuts to the guide.
4. Cut the hair of the second horizontal area vertically using slic-
ing technique.
5. Isolate the next cuts holding them at a 45O angle up to the tem-
poral area.
6. Round the cut shape with a cut in the temporal area.
7. In the remaining horizontal area repeat the cut system using
the previous cut area as a guide. The high level of the temporal
area does not join the lower one.
8. Isolate the hair of the fringe (low level) and choose the direction
(the fringe will consist of 3 levels).
9. Cut the hair in these levels holding at a 45O angle towards the
chosen direction. Use a slipped cut.
10. The high fringe level repeats in the in low level.
11. Release the weight of the hair in the occipital area using a
slipped cut (not to level). Blow dry the hair without using any brush
and direct the hair with your fingers.