1. Separate a triangular section from the towards the hairline. Choose your preferred guide for the cut.
2. Continue working within the triangular front.
3. Following the triangular section pattern, nape to accentuate the shape of the head.
4. Work with parallel sections, directing the the first section, to build the outline shape.
5. To create balance on the opposite side, dure, separating a triangular section over the tension and direction of your hands are
6. Work behind the ear, keeping the sections line and direct all sections towards the original gle is formed at this point.
7. Move towards the center of the back of hairline to enhance the natural shape.
8. Start with the partition from the crown the eye, working in a triangular section.
9. Carve out the outline of the hair, creating sculpture.
10. Direct the hair away from the head, using reference to create an internal balance.