Men CUT Lasar Tropynin
Hair: Lasar Tropynin, Beauty Salon «Del Arte» Makeup: Beauty Salon «Del Arte» Photo: Alexey Sorokin Products: Schwarzkopf Professional
1. Create 4 sections: first - in parietal area, second and third - in lateral areas including the 1" part of occipital area, fourth - in occipital area.
2. Cut the isolated sections in lateral areas. Use a comb.
3. Work hair of lateral hairlines.
4. Cut hair of low occipital area so as the closer to hairline strand is, the longer it is.
5. Cut hair of occipital hairline straight.
6 Cut hair of occipital area and connect it with hair of lateral areas.
7. Isolate a rhomb-shape section in parietal area and point it cut.
8 Cut hair of parietal area with reference to the guide's length of a rhomb-shape section. Make vertical partings.
9. Slice-cut hair for finalize the haircut. Coat hair with spray and set with fingers. To finalize the haircut work hair with wax.