Medium CUT COLOR Stuck between Disco and Vamp

Brand Name: TONI&GUY Hair: Takahiko Kotake, Nana Gries PLAYING AVANTE GARDE
1. Make two partings from ear to ear to separate the upper and lower nape areas. Isolate the bang by making a V-shaped parting.
2. Cut the lower nape area separating the strands with vertical partings and holding the hair at a 45 angle.
3-4. Continue cutting this area separating the strands with horizontal partings and holding the hair at a 45 angle.
5. Cut the upper nape area leaving it longer towards the crown, do not consider the length of the previously cut hair.
6-7. Take a strand at the right side of the nape along the parting from ear to ear, pull it to the center of the area and cut to the established length. Cut the hair of both sides of the nape area this way, separating the strands with diagonal partings.
8-9. Continue with the occipital area. Separate the strands with diagonal partings, pull the strands to the central vertical parting and cut by shortening towards the crown. Cut each new strand using the previous one as a guide.
10. Comb all the hair of the occipital area back and check the length.
11-12. Slide-cut the temples to create a soft line.
13. Cut the bangs to make them appropriate for the style.
14. Separate the bangs with a diagonal parting. Divide the crown area with an S-shaped parting as shown in the photo.
15. Color the right-hand side from the parting with Diacolour Richesse, Copper hue + Diacolor Releaser.
16. Color the bangs with Diacolour Richesse, Saffron Mahogany hue + Diacolour Releaser. Color the roots of the left side of the crown area with Richesse Copper hue, and along the length and ends - with Majicontrast, Pure Copper hue + 6% oxidant.