1. Section ear to crown to ear and brush lower section back into an asymmetric ponytail Do the same with the top section and place 1 cm.
above the lower ponytail.
2. Divided top and lower ponytails into 5 sections each.
3. Starting on the lower ponytail, take the first of your 5 sections and remove a quarter of that section.
4. Using the quarter section plait out 2".
5. Now take a strand of hair from the remaining section below and twist gently.
6. Place this twist into the plait and plait out 2" before adding in the next strand from below.
7. Take another strand from below, twist and add into plait.
8. Creating soft loops as shown.
9-13. Continue process till end of plait ensuring you have 3 loops on either side of the plait.
14. Lower 5 sections completed.
15. Upper 5 sections completed.
16. Take first of the 5 lower sections, wrap around fingers, creating a barrel curl and hair grip to side of lower pony tail base.
17-19. Repeat process working around base of ponytail on next 3 lower sections.
20. Place fifth lower section on top, to fill the centre of the shape.
21. Hair spray for hold and shine.
22. Repeat steps 16-21 on the top ponytail. Place front as desired. If desired, place small flowers inside each of the barrel curl.