Medium CUT Pavel Potemkin
Hair: Pavel Potemkin Makeup: Wellness Club «Venezia» Photo: Alexey Sorokin
1. Isolate the occipital area making a parting from ear to ear. Isolate a triangular area in the parietal area.
2. Determine the perimeter length of the hair in occipital area.
3. Cut the hair in low and middle occipital areas reference the guide's length. Isolate strands making vertical partings.
4. Cut the hair of the crown and connect it with the cut hair of occipital area.
5. Determine the desired length of the hair in lateral areas.
6. Cut the hair of fringe and lateral areas and join it with the hair of parietal area.
7. Determine the desired length of the hair and cut joining it with the hair of parietal area. Cut the fringe and join it with the hair of frontal-parietal area.
8. Make a lateral parting and cut the fringe repeatedly with reference to the guide's length. Pull strands to the left.
9. Release the weight of the hair by point cutting. Blowdry the hair with a round brush and curl the points of hair.