1-2. Wash hair. Make 2 diagonal partings from areas above the temples to occipital
hairline. Isolate frontal-parietal area by means of horizontal parting.
3. Cut the remaining hair of lateral areas with a blade (blade should be heated up to 194O F). Isolate horizontal strands.
4. Continue cutting in occipital area using the same technique. Hold the strands at a right angle.
5-6. Repeat procedure on opposite side.
7-9. Work the whole cut with a blade.
10-11. Comb hair of high occipital area and cut it making vertical partings.
12-13. Cut hair of frontal-parietal area with the blade, making diagonal partings on both sides.
14. Do the same up to the central parting.
15. Compare length of strands - they should coincide. Personalize the cut.