1. Divide the hair into 3 sections: one wide section from the right eyebrow to the left one, passing through the top point.
2. Divide this section into 2 parts by a diagonal line, with the back section passing through the crown.
3. Start by cutting the left temple section, creating a relatively short lock. This will be your guide lock for the entire bottom left part.
4. Join the left back area behind the ear with the area mentioned above, continue cutting with ref. erence to the guide lock.
5. Stagger the hair vertically and then finish the locks, using the scissor tips in order to soften them all along the left side.
6. On the right side, cut the hair using the guide lock of the left back area.
7. Join the nape part using the sliding technique, with the inside of the scissors.
8. Start cutting the right side, cre. ating a slightly longer.hair effect compared to the left side.
9. Continue working on the right side, cutting each section a lit. tle longer than the previous one.
10-11. Dry the hair completely and straighten it. In the back, take thin locks and cut them with the free fall technique, using the inside of the scissors.
12. Create a guide lock on the top part and level out the entire top section.
13. Use the tip of the scissors to make a thinning system, reduc. ing the excess volume.
14. Give the fringe its final shape, using the connection tech. nique.
15. Clean the fringe and create the final length of the right side.
16. Give the finishing touch to the left side.