Party CUT COLOR Layer It On!
Brand Name: Elgon Professional Hair: Chema Lucena from Cipsa Polux for Elgon Professional Long layers sparkle when cut just right. Check your sections to be sure!
1-2. Divide the front part into 3 sections and the back part into 4.
3-5. Cut the fringe at the level of the nose, letting it fall naturally. Select a thin section of the fringe, on the outline of the face, shifting it towards the opposite side from the slant you want, cut it using the connection technique. Go on using the same cutting technique on small sections across the whole fringe. Grasp the whole fringe section and cut diagonally, thus creating the final length.
6. Join the fringe to the side piece using the sliding technique, creating a slight diagonal line. Carry out the same operation symmetrically on the opposite side part.
7. Stagger the cut using the length of the fringe as a guide lock.Stagger the middle area in the same way, thus creating the guide lock to be used for the back area.
8. Stagger the middle area in the same way, thus creating the guide lock to be used for the back area.
9. Lead the side sections towards the middle, using the initial guide lock, thus staggering these areas.
10. Create the final length of the hair on the back area, using the same guide lock. Use point pointing to create a natural textured finish.