1-2. Section hair using fingers only (combing or brushing sections would destroy curl definition). Section from temple to temple. Then back to occipital area in a triangular shape.
3. Hold top section forward in a soft twist.
4. Start at right side and use fingers to rake hair back behind ears.
5-6. Twist section toward the face and up to crown. Clip to hold by running hair grip down the edge of the twist.
7-8. Repeat steps 4, 5 & 6 on left side
9. Place section clip on tails of twists.
10. Place top section back and between side sections.
11. Push top section forward slightly to create softness and hair grip to hold between twisted sections.
12. Using a large tooth comb softly backcomb to increase volume.
13. In between the 2 twists hair grip accordingly to create shape.
14-15. Softly backcomb left and right tails.
16. Softly cross left tail over right to create height and cover hair grips.
17. Hair grip into place and check final shape.
18. Hot tong for extra curl and softness around face.
19. Hair spray to add shine and hold.