Short COLOR CUT Tyler Johnston
Hair: Tyler Johnston, Duffy Color: Tracy Hayes Makeup: Maria Olsson Photo: Simon Emmet Products: Schwarzkopf Professional
1-2. Begin by taking a low side parting and sectioning the head horizontally from behind the ear. Comb down this section and cut against the skin, taking an angle between the base of the nose and the nape. Working up the head, elevate each section out and cut at an angle of 45° to ensure an even graduation.
3. Now begin on the back section taking your guide from the previously cut sections behind the ear. Once again elevate each section as you go to ensure an even graduation. Finish this section when you reach the centre back nape. Repeat previous steps on the back section working from behind the ear and around the head shape, cross over into previously worked sections to ensure you retain an even balance in shape and weight.
4. Next, working with the edge of the scissors, point into the outline shape to refine all the edges.
5-6. Comb down the side section and cut a chin line, pointing in a sharp line. Repeat this sectioning and cutting procedure on both sides.
7. Move on to the top section by pulling the hair up and cutting at a 900 angle. Refine, using the point of the scissors.
8. Comb down the entire fringe section and cut it with the point of the scissors. Work up to the point that reaches a 450 angle from the temple to the centre, so that you create a concave shape through the fringe section.
9. Finally, blow-dry the hair to create a smooth outline and perform visual checks, refining the edges with the point of the scissors.
10-11. Our model's natural hair colour is a base 6-0 Dark Blonde with Copper Gold Tone. Firstly, apply Igora Skin Protection Cream around the hairline to prevent staining. Take on the right and on the left side a triangular section, following the shape of the fringe. The sections should be small on top gradually widening towards the sides. It is important to play with the balance of the cut, ensuring that this section falls along the outline of the haircut.
12-15. Begin at the nape and apply the first colour, working upwards towards the crown area until you reach the first sectioned band. Place a foil over that panel to prevent colour overlapping.
16-18. Continue with the second colour on the triangular section. Once complete, continue with your first colour on the fringe through to the front hairline. Place a foil over that panel to once again prevent colour overlap.
19. Leave the colours to develop according to manufacturer's shade guide instructions.
Igora Skin Protection Cream
Igora Highlighting foils
First Colour:
Igora Duality: 5-7 Bronze Radiance (1/2), 8-7 Copper Haze (1/2)
Second Colour:
Igora Vibrance: 4-66 Medium Brown Auburn Extra (1/2), 3-0
Dark Brown (1/4), Igora Vibrance Developer 1,9%