Short COLOR CUT Ksenia Sivets

Brand Name: «Mysin Studio» Hair: Ksenia Sivets Makeup: Ekaterina Nikitina Photo: Zilya Leybova Products: Wella
Initial conditions: color level 7.0 on the roots of hair (natural tone), along the length of hair 9/7 (bright blonde with brown tint).
1. Create sections.
2. Coat hair of occipital area up to the crown with the powder Blondor + 1,9% emulsion Color Touch (1:1,5). Isolate colored strands with foil, using herring-bone technique. The points of hair are free of color.
3-4. Do the same with hair of parietal and occipital areas along horizontal partings layer by layer. The roots of hair are free of color. Wash hair and blow dry it.
5. Coat the roots of hair with Koleston Perfect 6/35 + 7/71 + 6% Welloxon (1:1:2).
6. Coat the remaining part of hair with Color Touch 9/16 + 1,9% emulsion Color Touch (1:2), going from dark tint to light one.
7. Make parting from ear to ear. Isolate a triangular section in the crown. Cut hair of occipital area with a reference the length of hair along the central parting.
8. Cut hair of the triangular section with reference to the cut hair of occipital area.
9. Cut hair of temple diagonally while holding strands at a sharp angle to the face.
10. Cut hair of parietal area isolating horizontal strands.
11. Isolate a fringe and cut directing it to the right.
12. Blow-dry hair and work it using free technique.