Brand Name: Schwarzkopf Professional Hair: Jamie Carroll, Hair & Beauty Products: Schwarzkopf Professional
1. Separate hair into three sections
2. Colour underneath sections using IGORA Royal ½ 3-65 + ½ 3-0 3%, roots to ends
3. Colour mid section roots to ends with IGORA Royal ½ 4-99 + ½ 4-88 6%
4. Section the top area in three vertical panels leaving out a small horizontal fringe area
5. Colour the two outside panels roots to ends with IGORA Royal 6-88 + 0-88 12%
6. The middle panel is coloured roots to ends with IGORA Royal 5-88 6%
7. Continue to colour the fringe with IGORA Royal 4-65 3%, roots to ends
8. Allow to process/develop for 30mins
9. Oval section on occipital bone from ear to ear. Head slightly forward and cut baseline blunt
10. Section front of the ears out and allow back hair to drop over baseline. Blunt cut to guideline
11. Take horizontal sections held at 45 degrees in 3 panels and proceed to razor to create movement and eliminate length
12. To create asymmetric shapes start with a shorter side. Razor a one inch section in front of the ear
13. Take a 1" semi circular section allow to drop longer than previous section and razor ends to create a soft perimeter shape
14. Take an inch semi circular section from front to back, razoring in front of the ear to fall softly over the guideline
15. Using the shorter shape in front of the ear use as a guide keeping fingers horizontal, so it's important to keep the hair shorter in front of the ear and longer behind the ear so the hair falls away from the face. Razor and follow shape
16. Allow rest of hair to fall naturally over previous sections and razor diagonally over the ear, which leaves a soft overlap to the underneath
17. Take a 1" section as a fringe and graduate from short side towards longer side
18. Take a 45 degree angle using the longest point as a guideline and create a stronger asymmetric shape
19. Move to the uncut side and take a 1" semi circular section and razor a 1" section in front of the ear
20. Take sections at 1-inch semi circular section and allow to drop down longer than previous section and razor shorter in front of the ear to longer behind the ear
21-22. Allow the rest of the hair to fall naturally over previous sections and keeping to the shape, allow to fall slightly longer with soft razored ends and to blend with fringe
23. Dry hair and personalise