Step 1. Separate the hair into two sections as shown. Pin away the front section. Separate the back section into 8 to 10 ribbon sections. Tease each ribbon section and then smooth the top layer of hair.

Step 2. Working on one ribbon section at a time, spray the section (top and bottom) with a strong styling spray. Iron the section from the base down to the ends in one continuous, slow motion. Repeat until the ribbon is crisp yet still flexible.

Step 3. Continue teasing and pressing sections until all hair in the ponytail has been ironed. Keep the ribbons separated by fanning out the sections as you work through the hair.

Step 4. Attach a hair pad as shown, firmly securing the side and top perimeters with bobby pins.

Step 5. Drop the side front section, brush it back and pin it to the hair pad, just under the top perimeter.

Step 6. Repeat Step 5 on the top/front and other side/front section.

Step 7. Create three additional ribbons by repeating Step 2.

Step 8. Form the top ribbons around the top and sides of the hair pad, allowing them to cascade onto the topmost and side areas of the pad.

Step 9. Twist and roll the bottom hair ribbons in different directions. Secure with hair pins.

Step 10. Continue rolling and forming the ribbons into a variety of shapes.

Final Look