Short CUT COLOR Violet Brown Bob

Hair: Elena Stepanova Color: Ilya Skovorodko Makeup: Darya Stakhovskaya Photo: Georgy Semyonov ARTISTIC DIRECTOR: Andrey Pulin PRODUCTS: Estel Professional
Brand: Estel Haute Couture
Existing hair: Level 7 golden red
Formula 1 (shine line): 2 parts HF/55 (Red) and 1 part HF/44 (Copper) + 20-volume Developer
Formula 2 (balance of hair): Equal parts 5/77 (Intense Brown) and 5/1 (Light Brown) + 10-volume developer.

Step 1 Section as shown.

Step 2 Blunt cut the hair at the back to the required length.

Step 3 Cut the upper occipital area pulling and cutting the hair at a 90° angle.

Step 4 Cut the temporal areas, pulling the sections straight up and cutting the ends at a 45° angle.

Step 5 Cut the parietal area so that the hair will grow longer toward the face.

Step 6 Cut the fringe to the required length.

Step 7 Apply the color design per the instructions in Color Formulas.

Step 8 Separate the fringe area. Taking thin slices of hair, apply Formula 1 and paint Formula 2 mid-shaft to create a red shine line.

Step 9 Apply Formula 1 to the balance of the hair.