1. Even out the skin with foundation. Accentuate the forehead side zones, cheek-bones and the alae of the nose with contouring powder
or blush.
2. Apply matte pink-white white shadows under the eyebrow, the upper movable lid and to the inner eye corner to visually brighten. Draw
a thin line of the same color along the lower lid.
3. Accentuate the immovable lid with dark beige shadow. Draw a line along the eyelash line. Style the eyebrows with transparent gel.
4. Draw the lip contour with a red pencil a tone darker then the lip color. Apply false eyelashes to dramatize the eyes.
5. Use lengthening mascara to color eyelashes. Mask the false eyelashes foundation with a black pencil. Fill in lips with a red lip color and finish with scarlet lip gloss.