Hair: Kurt Kueffner, Ricardo Dinis Color: Ian Michael Black Makeup: Rudy Miles Photo: Miguel Reveriego
1. Before.
2. Create an initial horizontal parting just above parietal ridge and above occipital bone in back.
3. With head tilted slightly toward you, take first vertical subsection at right temple. Cut vertically, removing interior weight while preserving perimeter length.
4. After cutting first 3 to 4 vertical subsections, crosscheck the panel with a ra-zor-over-comb technique. Keep head in the same position to further develop the shape.
5. As you move past the ear, tilt head back into natural upright position. Continue cutting vertically.
6. As you move down the section, tilt the head slightly away from you to help create a contoured or tapered shape in the neckline.
7. After taking 3 to 4 subsections, continue cross-checking with razor-over-comb technique. Continue working from guide around head to complete the bottom sec-tion of the hair cut.
8. After completing bottom portion of hair cut, part a slightly asymmetric triangle subsection out of the top. There should be more weight on the right side of head.
9. Tilt head slightly toward you. Work in 1/2-inch horizontal subsections. Blend through the remaining hair between the cut hair and the newly created triangular section. Re-peat on left side.
10. After cutting hair between primary parting and new triangular subsection on both sides, stand directly behind the guest and connect across the top.
11. Stand just behind the left ear and work through this triangular section. Pull hair toward you, leaving a moder-ate amount of disconnected length in the front right side of the shape.
12. Standing in front, work through subsection from the crown forward with a razor-tip technique. Remove excess weight creating movement. Repeat technique on right side.
13. Completed cut.
Ready for color.