1. After preparing the curl you want, section the hair into 5.
2. Get some padding and place in under the section over the ear.
3. Take the bottom section up over the padding and spread over
as much as you can.
4. Secure with pins into the hair and padding.
5. Pin the section that was above the ear onto the crown with a bend
to create height.
6. Let the top section down, without brushing to keep the texture
and softness.
7. Secure towards the centre and spread the hair.
8. Take curls and twist pin for an individual look, plus help create
a shape.
9. Using fringe pins, secure curl on top of curl, so that the shape holds.
10. Clip the sides and spay and pin into place.
11. Take the clips out and using a make-up brush and hairspray
smooth the flyaway hairs.