Short CUT Geometry vs Softness
Hair: Ludovic for Artistry Flemish Cuts (Belgium) Makeup: Kim Photo: Frank Gielen
1. Separate the temple area by mak. ing a side parting and a parting from ear to the highest point of the head. Make a parting from the high. est point of the head to the ear.
2. Separate a strand in the center of the occipital area by making two vertical partings and cut it to the desired length. This will be your guide.
3-4. Cut the entire occipital area, following the guide.
5-6. Cut the left temple area, separating the strands with radial partings. Use the slide cutting technique to take off the excess weight and length.
7. Cut the parietal area, separat. ing the strands with vertical partings and pulling them verti. cally upwards.
8. Point.cut this area deeply.
9-10. Texturize the right temple and parietal areas, separating the strands with radial partings.
11. Cut an asymmetrical fringe, lift. ing the hair slightly upwards.
12-14. Style the hair with an iron.