Brand Name: Italian Style Framesi Shapes for Medium-length Hair
1. Part the hair from ear to ear across the highest point of the head.
2. Slide-cut the hair of the nape area, separating square sections.
3. Comb the hair of the frontal area as it lies naturally and slide-cut it in a freehand technique.
First, cut the hair on the left side, guiding yourself by the following points: the middle of the left eye and jawbone.
Then cut the hair on the right side from the middle of the left eye, the point of the nose and jawbone. Connect the hair of the front area with the hair of the nape.
4. Point cut the crown area, separating the strands with radial partings. Use the length from the hairline to the point of the nose as a guide.
5. Point cut the lower nape and temple areas, separating square-shaped strands with vertical partings. Use the length of the crown area as a guide.
6. Separate the fringe area 1/2 inch deep and cut it to the brow-level in a freehand technique.
7. Color all the hair with Framcolor 2001, hue 6W (dark blonde).
8. Separate the lower nape area. Color the ends of the remaining hair, taking the strands 1-1.5 inch wide and alternating Framcolor 2001, hue 5 NC (dark natural cold blonde) and Decolr B-Style the hair with wax and spray.