Inspired by ingenious architect Frank Gehry, Matrix Artistic Director Patrick McIvor crafts his color designs using light, shadow and geometry.
Made with light-bending steel, Frank Gehry's postmodern masterpieces continually shape-shift as the sun moves across the hemisphere. Recently, when Matrix challenged its seven Artistic Directors to create one look each for the upcoming Urban Art mega-collection, Patrick McIvor - whose fertile imagination seems to have no bounds - immediately referenced the magical changes of Gehry's most famous structures.
2. "Using haircolor, I wanted to emulate the amazing illusion that occurs when light hits undulating surfaces, a project that took a lot of trial-and-error and weeks of prep time," beams Patrick McIvor. "I recreated the bands of light with six yards of swatches dyed in color blockings that went from light to dark and back to light again throughout the head. It truly proved to be an amazing challenge for someone like me, who's always been focused on creating believable hair. (
3. Photographer: Sarah Silver; Hairstylist: Nathan Rosenkranz; Haircolorist: Patrick McIvor; Makeup Artist: Silvia Dell'Orto; Fashion Stylist: Rod Novoa