Making Headlines
Media exposure can take your salon from being a best kept secret to becoming "the" must-visit destination. Via public relations efforts, you can build credibility, reputation and brand awareness.
Local and national media are always seeking expert content. Be prepared to make headlines by taking a non-commercial, education-oriented approach that's sure to garner exposure.
1. Strategic PR Objectives: Develop both a local and national marketing and PR program.
2. Annual Marketing & PR Calendars: Develop a strategy incorporating advertising and promotional plans. Highlight seasons and holidays and change promotions every two months. Promote each salon/spa category at least once annually, and gift cards all year.
3. Media Kits: This PR tool concisely tells your story. Include a:
- Biography: A one-page brief about you or the salon owner/spokesperson.
- Business Story: Highlight what makes your salon distinctively different.
- Fact Sheets: Include information on your salon services, business and products.
- Professional Photography: Include photos (300 dpi/high-resolution).
- Pitch Letters: These should highlight ideas for coverage and be personalized for each recipient.
4. Press Releases: Consistently create one-page announcements highlighting your latest news.
5. Local Media: Create a database of contact information for local editors, Internet webmasters, radio and TV producers.
6. Consumer & Trade Media: Create a separate database for trade contacts. Once published nationally, share reprints with local media.
7. Press Ideas: Continually offer ideas to the media. Most local publications have annual beauty editorial scheduled, and most trade magazines have issues dedicated to specific beauty topics. Visit their websites for their editorial calendars. Plan your PR at least 4 months in advance.
8. Pitching for PR: Use the phone, email blasts or traditional mail. Find out how the editors prefer receiving information and be sure to follow up.
9. Professional Services: Explore local freelance writers, publicists, and marketing and PR agencies for a professional plan.
10. Ongoing Initiative: Make reprints of your press clippings and display them in your salon. Create a media portfolio for visitors to review while waiting in the reception area. Share your PR hits via your website and email blasts.