Unlocking Haircut Lingo

When your stylist tells you that your hair needs to be shattered, chopped or sliced, how do you feel? Excited? Concerned? Terrified? According to award-winning hair artist and educator Vivienne Mackinder, the jargon used by salon professionals is not only unique, but it can also be a bit unnerving until you unlock the true meaning of these words.
Shattering. No, you're not about to have a hammer used on your hair. Shattering means breaking up straight haircutting lines. Your stylist can shatter your bangs, your perimeter or even your layers by snipping tiny notches off the ends of your hair.
Slicing. Oh, well -- the first cut is the deepest, right? Just kidding. Slicing is a haircutting technique that literally involves slicing a scissor blade through your hair to eliminate weight, add less structured layers or create interesting, irregular pattes in your bangs.
Choppy. It kinds of sounds like she wants to treat your strands like onions and carrots. OK, now that you’re picturing a vegetable stew, here's the real meaning -- at least in terms of salon lingo. A choppy cut is one where the perimeter isn't a solid straight line. This is usually done around the face, including the sides of the hair and your fringe.
Graduation. Wishing you brought your cap and gown? Don’t worry, you don’t need a cosmetology degree to know this one. A graduated haircut involves layers, which afford your stylist more control when it comes to shaping your ‘do. The layers can be stacked closely together to add bulk or weight wherever needed.
Thinning. “But we’re at the salon, not the gym!” Similar principle; totally different process! If you’ve got thick, dense tresses, thinning is a sure way to add dimension and get rid of extra bulk. Your stylist can use special thinning shears designed to perfect your mega mane.